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Yearly subscription – starting with next issue Vol 18 Summer, save 10% per issue

Start your subscription to Simply Scandi with our next issue (Vol 18 Summer 2025).

This subcription has a miniumum four issues every 12 months:

Vol 18 Summer (on sale 24 April 2025), Vol 19 Autumn (on sale 24 July 2025), Vol 20 Winter (on sale 24 October 2025) and Vol 21 Spring (on sale 29 Jaunuary 2025),

After the initial order for four issues, you have the right to cancel, or renew your subscription to continue receiving Simply Scandi each quarter.

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Yearly subscription – starting with next issue Vol 18 Summer, save 10% per issue
Yearly subscription – starting with next issue Vol 18 Summer, save 10% per issue Sale price£8.00 Regular price£8.99